Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Boy And His Boat

One Sunday afternoon, Quinn and I were returning from church and spending time with my family when we saw how pretty it had gotten outside! 
The sun was out, the birds were singing, and it was even warm enough to open the sun roof in the car as we drove. We decided that something needed to be done down on the flats, as they were bathed in sunlight and the high tide was beautiful. 

Quinn suggested swimming, but it was a bit too cold for that (sorry Quinn). And after thinking a bit more I got the idea: we would get a little boat and paddle around in the sea!

But first we had to get the little boat down to the flats where the ocean was waiting for us!

We borrowed Melissa's garden cart (which Quinn tells me he borrowed quite a lot as a child for rides down the steep driveway) and set to work taking the boat down the road.

Of course Cedar came along with us (she was lucky, she had just gotten back from a walk with Paul and Melissa), but she was no help - and neither was I really - when we got to the tree line and the teeny-tiny trail our cart and boat needed to get through.

Quinn did a marvelous job getting the boat down the trail. And soon we were looking at the ocean!

Don't worry, we're not using THIS boat. 

Quinn put his little boat in the water and I carefully (with some screaming and flailing about) got in... 

It wasn't long before we had set sail, caring only about soaking up the sunshine!

Soon Cedar had jumped in and paddled after us. She probably would have been very happy to jump in the boat, but we wouldn't let her (we didn't want to get as wet as she was...). 

We took pity on poor Cedar though and stopped at an island (which isn't an island at low tide) and tied the boat up. Cedar was happy to have somewhere to walk around.

Quinn was happy to have a dry place to stretch out in the sun.

As we sat on the island I told Quinn that we should name it! Quinn replied that he and his friends had named it when they were children: One Tree Island. I looked over. "But Quinn, there's two trees." He laughed, "Well there must not have been when we were little!"

Sadly, the wind picked up and chilled us, so off we went back home again!

We had so much fun paddling around that we promised to do it again very soon. I would like to get an old fashioned wooden row boat, but Quinn fears it would be too heavy to bring down to the flats! 

Can you spy the strange creature in the water? Any guesses what it is?                                                                        It's the Loch Ness Cedar!

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."
Job 12:7-10


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