
Monday, May 11, 2015

A Mother's Day Well Spent

Hello everyone! 

We wish you a happy late Mother's Day!

We spent our Mother's Day out in the sunshine!

After a busy morning at church, we all met at home to sit out on the front porch and have lunch together.

Abigail had been very creative!

She had hung jars of flowers and candles to set the mood for our Mother's Day meal.

In just a week, the flowers in Melissa's garden have grown abundantly! Pretty daffodils and tulips graced the porch, and with the sunshine, it felt like summer indeed!

Meanwhile, Paul was busy on the back porch with the grill, and soon the smells coming from the backyard had us all longing for lunch time!

Days like these are best spent with the people you love, and that's just what we did.

I feel so blessed to have two mothers now in my life, as a married woman. And I know our whole family would not be the same if Melissa wasn't here. 

For one thing, we would be a person short in our badminton playoffs!

Oh yes, we are all soooooo stylish!

After our lovely lunch out on the front porch, we all gathered in the backyard for what will go down in our family as the stuff of legend: the epic badminton tournament! 

Melissa and Abigail were up first, one verses the other. 
Though Mom tried hard (and it came down to two points difference), Abby won!

Next up was Quinn and I! 

We were tied up until the very end...but Quinn took the win.
(Shhhh! I actually let him win. But don't tell him!)

Quinn and Dad played next, with the winner of the match slated to play against Abigail in the final playoffs.

It was a close match, and us girls screamed and cheered them on!

Quinn won it at the last possible moment, and so he and Abby got ready to go head to head!

Quinn had an interesting way of getting ready...

Well let me tell you, it was a hard battle. 

Quinn started off in the lead, hitting the shuttlecock back and forth fearfully over the net. But Abigail took over and scored several points as well! It came down to 4 - 4, with 5 points needed to win the game.

Who would triumph!?

Quinn! He was the victor!

Because he won, he took on all three girls! 
We started out very good (I got two points right off the bat!), but even though there were three against one, Quinn still took the gold.

Congratulations Quinn, 
you are the supreme badminton master.

Though we must warn you that Mom has said she is going to start practicing so she can beat you, LOOK OUT!

After all the excitement of the day, Melissa wandered off to her happy place: her garden.

We hope all you mothers our there felt loved and cherished yesterday!

We wish you a very happy Mother's Day!

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