
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Count Your Blessings

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; 
his love endures forever!
Psalm 118:1

   Sometimes in this life (okay, maybe ALL the time), its hard to concentrate on your blessings. The world that we live in is full of the new, the better, the best thing that we think we need. Or sometimes we just lose focus on what is really important to us. 
   I would like to ask you to take a moment and do what we did this week: count your blessings. As the old hymn says "Count your blessings, count them one by one. Count your blessings see what God has done." 
   Counting the blessings in your life suddenly puts our minds back into perspective. God is in control of our situations, our life. And we can trust Him to finish the work He's started.

Help us count our blessings:
on our fingers, on our toes.
Help us shout them to the heavens
so that the whole world knows.

For we have a Heavenly Father
who knows our every need.
For it's He who clothes the lily,
and it's He the sparrows heed.

Teach us to be thankful:
for what we have, not what we don't.
And please be patient when we listen,
for we often simply won't.

So help us count our blessings
in this world of many things.
For we won't need stuff in heaven,
for You'll make us Kings and Queens.

We'd love to hear some of the blessings in your life! 
Feel free to comment below and share with us.

1 comment:

  1. I can't count all of my blessings, for they are innumerable. I will share a few: My salvation through Christ Jesus and my assurance of a Heavenly home for eternity; my husband who loves us beyond measure and works every day to provide so I can home school my children; my children who bring joy to my life each day; my dad who loves me and has always supported me, and my mom who loved me from the minute she saw me and who now lives with Jesus; my in-laws who are always there when we need them and love me as their own; my church of which I have been a member for 40 years along with two pastors who have preached the Word of God without apology; my Bible, for it is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path; friends who have stood with me through some difficult days; my health which has been reasonably good all my life; my home with all of its conveniences; my fifteen-year-old van that is still running; the birds and flowers I see out of my windows every day...and wonderful music.


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