
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Feeling of Spring

It's beginning to feel like spring here in Juneau.

Although Melissa hasn't touched her flower garden yet, seeds have been ordered for the new plantings and already there are signs of green things coming up beneath the melting snow.

The sun has been coming out and warming the earth, and we're just so excited for spring to come.

'For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.'
Song of Solomon 2:11-12

Here are the words to the poem I wrote 
for the video if you care to read them:

There’s a feeling, a feeling of good things to come
And the world seems to have it right now.
A feeling of Spring, of sunshine and warmth
Of green things and buds on the bough.

The song birds are singing, though the snow may still fall
We’re certain that Spring is close by.
For if you look closely at the bare flower beds
Small plants may just catch your eye.

Yes this feeling is here though we’re not yet sure how
We know you've all felt it too.
It’s the feeling that winter, no matter how long
Will end when it’s time is due.

For the birds are now here and they’re building their nests
The bears will soon wake from their beds
The garden will grow like a fairy tale told
With flowers of bright pinks and reds.

The mountain tops will shed their snow
The creeks will run wild and fast
And when the clouds part and the sun shines her head
The sky will seem more then vast.

There’s a feeling, a feeling of good things to come
And the world is caught up in the spell.
This feeling of Spring, of sunshine and warmth
Where only winter seems to dwell.

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