
Monday, February 16, 2015

An Evening at the Beach

The view of the mountains on the walk to the beach.
   On one Sunday evening not long ago, Quinn and I put Cedar in the back of the car and drove a short drive to the end of North Douglas, the island we live on. Cedar was more then excited to go on a walk (even though she had just gotten back from a walk with Melissa and Paul), and was quickly way ahead of us on the trail, not bothering to listen to our whistles and shouts to keep closer. 

   It had started out as a sunny day, but clouds had quickly gathered. No rain had fallen yet and sunset (or what you could see of it) was soon to happen. Being cooped up inside all winter with rainy day after rainy day made us itch for a walk, and the calm beach at the end of the trail was the perfect place. 

We had the beach all to ourselves, except for some eagles nesting in the trees. 

   A small patch of sunlight could be seen from the beach, nestled in amongst the gray clouds. There was no wind to speak of, but the air was filled with the scent of the sea. You could hear the faint calls of seagulls in the distance, and the quiet lapping of the lowering tide. 

The rocky shore was covered in barnacles and mussels, all crammed in wanting more room. Low tide had left pools of water in the crevices, ready to inspected for pretty hints of color.
This large anemone we found was bright orange with red and pink stripes!
There were little green and brown colored anemones all over the beach! Quinn and I had fun poking them, and watching as they folded back in on themselves. 

We had so much fun at the beach that evening, we wanted to share it with you in a special way! Click below to see a video we made of our time spent on the quiet shore (to one of our favorite songs, Be Thou My Vision, expertly played by Melissa and Paul). 


'He builds his lofty palace in the heavens and sets its foundation on the earth; 
He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land--
The LORD is his name.'
Amos 9:6


  1. Well I will try again. I am so glad you started putting this on here. Love seeing and hearing from yáll. Take care. Andy Smith

    1. We're so glad to hear you love the blog! I'm really happy to be able to share on it again. :) Thanks, Andy!


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