
Friday, February 13, 2015

A Late Christmas Diary - Part 1

We woke up this morning to the sweetest surprise

For the world had turned sugary in front of our eyes

 What once were the colors of summer and fall

Now a whiteness, like iceing, covers it all

From the door to the windows to the tops of the trees
A chillness hovers and shivers our knees

So bundle up tight, put warm socks on your feet
For if we need leave, then the car we must heat!

The sun may shine bright, and it may melt away
But just wait until morning, for winter must stay.


So sit down by the fire, get all warm and snug
And maybe let Cedar sleep inside on the rug.


Although snow hasn't fallen hardly at all this winter, that doesn't mean we've escaped winter entirely. We have had quite a few sunny days (ya!) that have chilled us all to the bone (oh no!). Most days we have all agreed that a fire and maybe a nice hot cup of tea was needed. But sometimes you just have to brave the below zero temperatures and feel the rays of sunshine that seldom come to Juneau.

And maybe do a few hops on the ol' trampoline...

Because beauty can be found anywhere. Even when your hands are freezing, your nose is frozen, and you're pretty sure humans weren't meant to live in conditions like this.

For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12

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